XFader is an easy-to-use program that allows you to create amazing effects for your images. Its main feature as its name says, is the "XFader" that allows you to create fade and mirror effects. Besides this, it has the following options: "Shift edges" is used for changing the edge position vertically and horizontally; "Color" option helps you adjust the gamma correction, brightness, contrast, hue, saturation, RGB colors, replace color, and more; "Merge image" allows you to combine another image over the image already opened and select one of the effects listed in the combo box.
Once the effect is chosen, you can adjust the transparency level and the number of horizontal/vertical iterations; "Add image" as in the previous option you can combine pictures, but here you can adjust the tolerance and fuzziness level; "Generate" option allows you to generate a texture and also combine with the picture already opened and adjust the transparency level, relief, smoothness and frequency; the other features are “Filter”, “Decoration” and “Stereogram”. All these effects make this program a really good at creating effects with your pictures. In addition, the cost of the program is very low.